
Welcome to the fine art blog of San Diego photographer Stefanie Poteet. Here you will find photographs of everything from vintage hot rods to rubber ducks and everything in between.

If you are interested in Stefanie's wedding and event photography or portraiture, please visit her client blog.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Feeling Empty... 17 of 365

The Spanish Trail Motel is the prime example of a beautiful but sadly abandoned motel in Tucson. The motel sports, a spaceshipesque circular lobby,  some very googie adornments that give the appearance of undulating roof top at one point, and a font that would make any type junkie swoon. And then of course there's the sign...
If it weren't for the motel's name on the side of the building, I would have never known anything other than "Trail". That arrow blows my mind, but I wonder what else sat in the now empty boxes both top and bottom. My internet research has turned up nothing, but I'm going to continue to try to fill in the blanks. It's just too cool to not know.

I'm looking forward to the long weekend and am incredibly happy my week is more than half over. See you tomorrow evening for my 18th post of this crazy little project. 

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